Lost Car Keys – What Should You Do?

Losing your car keys – we’ve all done it over the years, and it can be an incredibly stressful situation. However, when faced with such a challenge, knowing what to do when you’ve lost your car keys can help you keep calm and hopefully relocate them without the need of assistance.

To help, we have put together our Lost Car Keys – What Should You Do? guide to provide you with several steps to find your keys once again and get back in your vehicle.

Look Everywhere

Typically, the first step of what to do when you’ve lost your car keys is to retrace your steps. You should also ask yourself – ‘when do you last remember having your keys?’ and return to this moment – in doing so, you can often resolve the issue without calling a locksmith for help.

Gather Information About the Car

Having searched everywhere with no luck in finding your car keys, then you will want to get a new set cut. Before you call a locksmith, you first want to gather some essential information, including: 

  • Vehicle registration
  • Vehicle make and model
  • Vehicle identification number
  • Type of vehicle key lost (traditional, transponder, etc.)
  • Proof of ownership (driving license, etc.)

This information provides your locksmith with vital details about your vehicle to ensure they have the right equipment to create a replacement while also helping prove you are the owner. 

Call an Auto Locksmith

Having gathered the relevant information required to cut a new set of replacement keys, you next want to call an auto locksmith.

An auto locksmith can typically create a new key with ease, while if your vehicle uses a remote key, that can also be programmed to work with your security system at the same time too. 

At We’ve Got The Keys, our auto locksmiths individually program and re-code car keys for an extensive range of vehicles across the UK and Ireland.  

We hope our Lost Car Keys – What Should You Do? guide has given you an overview of the steps to take when you lose your vehicle keys. 

If you require a new set of car keys cutting – no matter the make or model – our expert auto locksmiths are on hand to help. Our fully trained call handlers are available 24/7 to take your call and connect you with an experienced locksmith to help you get back on the road.



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