How to Identify an Auto Locksmith Scam

Losing a car key or getting locked out of your vehicle can be a frustrating experience, though thankfully, with the help of a professional auto locksmith, the issue can often be quickly resolved. 

Unfortunately, there are fraudulent individuals out there looking to take advantage of such a situation, so knowing how to spot a fake locksmith can save you an awful lot of trouble.

To help you avoid getting caught out, we have covered several crucial signs that your locksmith is a fake.

Check if They Have a Website

A professional looking website is often a key indicator that your auto locksmith is genuine. However, an auto locksmith with no website or a poorly developed one is often a clear sign that they may be a fraudulent individual. 

While a locksmith with an unprofessional online presence may still be who they say they are, is it ever worth the risk?

Check Reputable Online Reviews

Review sites, such as Trustpilot, often give a good idea of an auto locksmith’s reputation. However, having a majority of poor reviews or no presence with a review site are clear red flags that your auto locksmith may be a fake.

Look for Branding on Vehicles

Seeing a locksmith arrive in a branded vehicle has a high chance of providing you with confidence that they are not a scam. A branded vehicle is also likely to be a clear indicator that they are serious about their profession, having invested time and money into their business.

Compare Prices

A fake locksmith will ultimately want one thing from you – your money, so being transparent in pricing is essential to look out for. 

Always try to obtain a quote for any work in advance and compare it to the price they offer on arrival. If the quotes do not match up, then it is likely your locksmith is being untrustworthy.

Ask for Identification

Most genuine auto locksmiths will present their identification voluntarily on arrival, though if not, make sure to ask. Any refusal is worrying and perhaps one of the most obvious signs that your locksmith is a fake.

Alongside showing you their identification, a genuine locksmith will also ask to see proof that the vehicle is yours – so always be prepared to provide evidence. 

Go with Your Gut

If you are still unsure about your auto locksmith, sometimes just trusting your gut can be the best option. There is often a reason for something not quite feeling right, so never just completely ignore your instincts.

How to Spot a Fraudulent Locksmith: Final Thoughts

Taking that extra time to research an auto locksmith can be a helpful way to know how to identify an auto locksmith scam and avoid any issues.

At We’ve Got The Key, all our auto locksmiths hold the relevant licenses and qualifications, so you can always be sure they know exactly what they are doing. Our fully trained call handlers are available 24/7 to take your call and connect you with one of our experienced locksmiths to help you get back on the road.



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